Secret of good health: Balanced diet

Health is wealth and everyone knows it. For good health you have need a balanced diet. Balanced diet contains carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals and all other nutrients in right proportions. Food is the common denominator for all living things. A person can do anything good or bad for getting food. Food affects physical, psychological, spiritual or social aspects of an individual. A hungry man can’t be happy when his tummy is empty. You have to eat the right things, in the right portions at the right time. But the religious philosophers have numerous customs, beliefs and rituals which involve food. Like during the Eucharist, Christians commemorate the last supper of Christ while most religions have fasting periods like the Ramadan for Muslims.

Our lack of mutual understanding might well originate from the fact that we have lost touch with the happy table, which, in remote times would be equivalent to the bonfire where everyone would provide security and warmth to each other around food. The unequal distribution of food on the planet is one of the most unfortunate contradictions, which highlights the profound shortcomings of humanity. Around 850 million people suffer from chronic malnourishment and billions are affected by malnutrition around the world, even in industrialized countries. On a lower scale, people who can afford it make great waste of food. Ask from a poor person who only gets very little food after doing a lot of handwork, and sometimes he go to bed hungry. Empty tummy is equal to empty economy. If we want to increase the world’s economy people should be able to eat properly.

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