Red beets and beet greens
Red beets and their green tops are the root crops. If you have a problem with constipation, red beets and their green tops should be a regular part of your diet. Red beets and green beets contain significant amounts of fibre that is useful to remove the waste materials from your body either through urine or feacal matter. Red beets contain large amounts of potassium and magnesium, while beet greens are an excellent source of beta-carotene, iron, and calcium. All of these nutrients are directly or indirectly essential for your digestive tract lining and the smooth muscle fibres that create the waves of contractions that produce bowel movements.
Steaming is the cooking method for red beets and beet greens. Cut the greens off right where their roots meet the red beet heads. Give the greens a good wash with cold water. Peel the skin off the red beets, slice them into 1/4 slice, and place them in a steamer for about 8-10 minutes or until they start to become slightly tender. At this point, place the beet greens right on top of the red beet slices, place the lid back on the steamer, and allow it to run for another 5-7 minutes or until the beet greens have softened up to a texture that you enjoy. The greens and red beet slices can be served with a bowl of brown rice or quinoa, along with some avocado slices. You should limit your consumption of beet greens to a couple of servings per week, as they contain an acidic substance that can weaken your enamel if eaten too often.
Yukon gold potatoes and sweet potatoes
If prepared and eaten with their skins Yukon gold potatoes and sweet potatoes are an excellent source of dietary fibre. They also provide complex carbohydrates, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese.Yukon gold potatoes and sweet potatoes are also used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and some stages of inflammatory bowel disease. A simple soup made by blending steamed Yukon gold potatoes or sweet potatoes along with freshly pressed celery juice or vegetable broth are known to be very essential to various ulcers in GI tracts. Also many doctors recommend Yukon gold potatoes and sweet potatoes for inflammatory lesions in the digestive tract.
Underground Crops Helps in Digestion
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Soybean: Forget Blood Clotting
Due to presence of Isoflavones in soy products we can get rid of blood clotting. The Isoflavones helps to reduce the amount of blood platelets and decrease the risk of blood clots formation. However Isoflavones are not useful for cardiovascular diseases, but they can successfully fight against clots which can bring severe health problems and even death. Blood clots helps in the healing of a wound and preventing it from bleeding. But, clots accumulated in the blood vessels can lead to serious health disorders such as pulmonary emboli or leading to an individual's death by stroke or heart attack. This is due to the fact that the clots blocks the arteries or veins and restrict blood flow to the brain or heart.
According to research performed in chile the study on 29 post-menopausal women who were divided randomly into two groups – some were treated with a supplement of isoflavones, while others received a placebo. The trial lasted for 3 months, during which scientists took blood samples and analyzed them. They concluded that the women which were supplemented with isoflavones having less risk of blood clots and thrombosis. Also risk of the platelet TxA2 receptor which cause thrombotic cardiovascular disease was also decreased after 3 months of isoflavones supplementation. Therefore, reducing the amount of platelets in the blood leads to a decreased number of blood clots forming in the blood vessels. This means that related health problems, such as strokes, are less likely to occur. The researchers from Chile have also concluded that phytoestrogen-rich foods are having beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.
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Excessive fish intake is harmful for expecting ladies
We all know that the fish contains many nutrients and is highly recommended by the doctors due to its high omega-3 content. But some recent studies showed that excessive fish intake during pregnancy may be harmful for expecting ladies. Doctors advise the women not to eat the fish more than twice a week because fish contains mercury, which may damage the baby's brain and lead to premature birth. According to the Food Standards Agency (FDA), women should not consume too much marlin, swordfish or shark, which are very rich in mercury and other pollutants.
We know that the fish is both useful and it is harmful also. It is useful as it contains unsaturated fatty acids and protein and it is harmful as it contains contaminants such as methyl mercury. A recent study carried out by researchers concluded that women carrying a baby who ate on a regular basis oily fish had high levels of mercury in their bodies.So women carrying a child should not eat too much of oily fish at the time of pregnancy rather they can eat moderate amount of fish. They can eat only two fish meals a week and if they want to increase the levels of proteins and omega-3 essential fatty acids to take oil fish supplements. Also for vitamin A women should take supplements that contain adequate amount of vitamin A, because excess of everything is bad.
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What is common cold?
The symptoms of common cold are sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose. Common colds are most prevalent among children. Children are suffered with common cold problem six to ten times a year. Adults having average about two to four colds a year. Women of age 20 to 30 years, have more colds than men, possibly because of their closer contact with children. On average, individuals older than 60 have fewer than one cold a year. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) estimates that, in 1994 around 66 million cases of the common cold was occurred in the United States.
More than 200 different viruses are known to cause the symptoms of the common cold. Rhinoviruses causes an estimated 30 to 35 percent of all adult colds, and are most active in early fall, spring and summer. Others, such as parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, Coronaviruses, adenoviruses, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus and enteroviruses can cause up to 10 to 15 percent of adult colds. The causes of 30 to 50 percent of adult colds, presumed to be viral, remain unidentified. The most common cold-causing viruses survive better when humidity is low (the colder months of the year). Beginning in late August or early September, the incidence of colds increases slowly for a few weeks and remains high until March or April, when it declines.
Symptoms of the common cold usually begin two to three days after infection and often include nasal discharge, obstruction of nasal breathing, swelling of the sinus membranes, sneezing, sore throat, cough, and headache. Fever can reach up to 102o F in infants and young children. Virus-infected cells in the nose send out signals that recruit specialized white blood cells to the site of the infection. In turn, these cells emit a range of immune system chemicals such as kinins. These chemicals probably lead to the symptoms of the common cold by causing swelling and inflammation of the nasal membranes, leakage of proteins and fluid from capillaries and lymph vessels, and the increased production of mucus. Hand washing is the most effective way to keep from getting rhinovirus colds. Not touching the nose or eyes is another. If possible, one should avoid close, prolonged exposure to persons who have colds. Only symptomatic treatment is available for the common cold like bed rest, plenty of fluids, gargling with warm salt water, petroleum jelly for a raw nose, and aspirin or acetaminophen to relieve headache or fever.
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Cirrhosis: a chronic disease
Cirrhosis refers to a chronic liver disease in which normal liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue. This scar tissue interferes with the flow of blood through the liver. It also handicaps all the functions of the liver. There are a number of conditions that can lead to cirrhosis like excessive intake of alcohol, chronic vial hepatitis (B, C, and D), primary biliary cirrhosis- an autoimmune disease in women, primary sclerosing cholangitis, hemochromatosis- abnormal accumulation of iron in the liver, wilson’s disease- abnormal accumulation of copper in the liver, alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency - inherited absence of a specific enzyme in the liver, Glycogen storage diseases - inability to properly utilize sugars, autoimmune hepatitis - progressive inflammation of the liver, Prolonged exposure to environmental toxins, Some forms of heart disease (cardiac cirrhosis), Schistosomiasis (parasitic infection).
Cirrhosis always leads to the symptoms like Loss of appetite, Nausea and vomiting, Weight loss ,Enlargement of the liver, Jaundice - yellow discoloration of the whites of the eyes and skin occurs because bile pigment can no longer be removed by the liver, Itching - due to the retention of bile products in the skin, Ascites - abdominal swelling due to an accumulation of fluid caused by the obstruction of blood flow through the liver, Vomiting of blood - frequently occurs from swollen, ruptured varices (veins that burst) in the lower end of the esophagus due to the increased pressure in these vessels caused by scar tissue formation, Increased sensitivity to drugs - due to the inability of the liver to inactivate them.
In alcoholic cirrhosis: Abstention from alcohol; an adequate, wholesome diet
In cirrhosis caused by primary biliary cirrhosis: ursodeoxycholic acid is recommended
In cirrhosis caused by viral hepatitis: Medication to improve immune responses to viral infection is an approved approach
In certain types of cirrhosis caused by autoimmune hepatitis: Corticosteroids alone or with azathioprine may be an effective treatment
In cirrhotic patients with jaundice: Supplemental fat soluble vitamins may be helpful
Wilson’s disease: Removal of excess copper by drugs that deplete the body’s copper
Hemochromatosis: Removal of excess iron by phlebotomy (removal of one pint of blood per week)
Most types of cirrhosis: Liver transplantation with replacement of the diseases organ when advances liver failure occurs
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How to protect skin from sun light?
Due to continued or direct exposure to sunlight skin begins to be damaged, whether sunburn occurs or not. This skin damage leads to skin cancer and some other effects can also be their like wrinkling, premature aging and leathery appearance of the skin. Researchers also suggest that excessive exposure to UV radiation may interfere with the body's immune system. Sunburn occurs due to the shorter ultraviolet wavelengths, known as ultraviolet B (UVB). The longer wavelengths, known as ultraviolet A (UVA), however, can penetrate the skin and damage connective tissue also. It is important to have some precautions from both UVA and UVB.
The following information on sunscreens, tanning products, and sun safety is intended to help consumers make informed decisions about sun protection and tanning.
Sunscreens play an important role to reduce the harmful effects of the sun light. These sunscreens can help by limiting sun exposure. FDA regulates sunscreens as Over-the-Counter Drug (OTC) drugs. Sunscreens which are labeled with SPF (Sun protection Factor) numbers should only be purchased. The higher the SPF number, the more sunburn protection the product provides. The higher the SPF number, the more is the sunburn protection.
Tanning Accelerators and Tanning pills
Tanning accelerators enhance the tanning by stimulating and increasing melanin formation. FDA has concluded that these "tanning accelerators" are actually unapproved drugs. Tanning pills contain large doses of canthaxanthin. When a person ingests canthaxanthin in large quantities, the substance is deposited in various parts of the body, including the skin, where it imparts a color ranging from orange to brownish. Tanning pills have been associated with side effects, particularly a condition called "canthaxanthin retinopathy," the formation of yellow deposits in the retina of the eye.
Cover all the exposed areas with tightly woven clothing and wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head and face. Protect your children's skin also because the researchers suggests that if severe blistering sunburns occurs in childhood then their will be double the risk of skin cancer later in life. Sun’s rays are the strongest from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, especially during the late spring and summer. Reflected glare from water and snow also can increase your exposure to UV radiation. Also protect your eyes from the sun because too much UV radiation can damage the cornea and lead to cataracts. Also clouding of the lens of the eyes can cause blindness. So it is advised to wear the dark glasses to get rid of U.V. radiation. Check the label when choosing sunglasses in order to make sure that they provide protection against UV radiation.
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Cocaine Energy Drink
Caffeine - Stimulates your brain & central Circulatory System. Caffeine will enter into the blood stream in a short time (10-15 minutes).The effects of Caffeine last for about 3-4 hours.
Guarana - Is a type of seed from South America. It naturally contains caffeine. Used as a source of extreme energy.
Taurine - an abundant amino acid found naturally in the body. It can enhance glucose and amino acid transport to the muscles and helps regulate the nervous system. No one is positive exactly of the benefits, but it has been shown to detoxify & cleanse the system.
Dextrose -Iis a simple sugar that is about 20% less sweet compared to cane sugar. It is derived entirely from corn, is low-cost, and contains no fructose or lactose. Some nutrition websites suggest Dextrose is a great additive to your regular creatine monohydrate for post-workout.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)- Is required for our bodies immune system. Helps produce white blood cells and t-cells. Also a very potent anti oxidant that helps fight off infections, colds, and sickness as well as protect the skin.
Cocaine Energy Drink Review
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The Bacterium Called Neisseria Gonorrhoea
Gonorrhea (also known as the clap) is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) which also happens to be highly contagious as well. In the US alone, .35 million cases regarding gonorrhea is reported annually. The bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoea (also known as gonococcus) is responsible for the disease. The symptoms for the girls are a burning sensation during urination, a yellowish green vaginal discharge or a vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods.
In case of the men, they can experience a yellowish white discharge oozing out of the tip of the penis along with the burning sensation while urinating as symptoms. Some people (both men and women) do not have any symptoms at all. Usually the symptoms are visible within 2-7 days after someone has been exposed to gonorrhea.Chetan Bhawani is a medical and dental consultant and gives regularly Helpful Health Tips and provides health Information.
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Benefit of Creatine
Creatine can add 5 – 10 pound of muscle to your body and increase your strength by more than 10% in a matter of few week. Creatine is a great supplement for bodybuilder. However, as you muscle becomes saturated with creatine, they will stop their own creatine production. It is suggest that you stop taking creatine for a month after every three month. After that one month period, you body will start producing creatine at the normal rate.
Taking time off from creatine won’t decrease you strength. When you start taking it again, you’ll get another boost in size and strength. The second boost might not be as big as the first one. However, those small boosts add up after times.Take 3 – 5 gram of creatine with your pre/post workout shake. Do it for three month and stop taking it for a month. You will get the boost from time to time.
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Importance of water in human body
All of us know that how much important the water is in our life. All the activities which a person does in everyday life routine are either one way or the other way related with water. We know that around 75% of the earth is water in the form of oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers etc. Our body is made up mostly of water. Approximately 85% of our brain, 80% of our blood and 70% of our muscle is water. Every cell in our body needs water to live. So we can understand the importance of water. Water helps to remove the dangerous toxins that our body takes in from the air, the food and the chemicals we use on our skin and hair. Water also provides cushion for our body joints. Water carries oxygen and nutrients into all our cells. Water also helps to regulate our body temperature.
We need water to keep your metabolism working properly. We have to maintain certain level of water in our body if we don’t do so then this will result dehydration. Therefore it is easy to see why it is very important to drink six to eight glasses of water a day. If we do not have enough water then our blood pressure can fall to dangerously low levels. Blood clots may form. Our normal kidney function is impaired. You may get terrible constipation. Some other signals of having low water level are constipation, terribly dry skin, and increased incidence of urinary tract infections and reoccurring headaches. A popular way to reduce fever is to take a bath in cool water. This helps bring down our entire body temperature, thus reducing fever. This process is called hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is the use of hot or cold water to alleviate or relieve problems. These therapies include steam inhalation, cold compresses, hot baths, showers, steam baths, and whirlpools. The use of hot water helps to stimulate the immune system. It also increases our body’s circulation. After having hard workout people just take a steam bath or relax in a whirlpool. Cold water is used to reduce inflammation. When you are having sprain in your ankle, you use an ice pack to reduce the swelling. A cold water sitz bath is used to treat constipation, irregular vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids. Some treatments using alternating hot and cold water are to relieve upper respiratory problems, congestions, foot infections, and headaches.
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Secret of good health: Balanced diet
Health is wealth and everyone knows it. For good health you have need a balanced diet. Balanced diet contains carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals and all other nutrients in right proportions. Food is the common denominator for all living things. A person can do anything good or bad for getting food. Food affects physical, psychological, spiritual or social aspects of an individual. A hungry man can’t be happy when his tummy is empty. You have to eat the right things, in the right portions at the right time. But the religious philosophers have numerous customs, beliefs and rituals which involve food. Like during the Eucharist, Christians commemorate the last supper of Christ while most religions have fasting periods like the Ramadan for Muslims.
Our lack of mutual understanding might well originate from the fact that we have lost touch with the happy table, which, in remote times would be equivalent to the bonfire where everyone would provide security and warmth to each other around food. The unequal distribution of food on the planet is one of the most unfortunate contradictions, which highlights the profound shortcomings of humanity. Around 850 million people suffer from chronic malnourishment and billions are affected by malnutrition around the world, even in industrialized countries. On a lower scale, people who can afford it make great waste of food. Ask from a poor person who only gets very little food after doing a lot of handwork, and sometimes he go to bed hungry. Empty tummy is equal to empty economy. If we want to increase the world’s economy people should be able to eat properly.
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Women are more depressed?
Most of people live their life very nicely, or for them life is pretty bumpy. But few people wake up filled with joy every single day. But, there is a difference between a situational time such as a death, divorce, or illness when it is appropriate to feel miserable. There are many theories that try to explain why people get depressed. But, according to these theories, women have a higher incidence of diagnosed depression than do men. Women also appear to be younger when depression strikes, to have more frequent and longer lasting bouts. They also respond less successfully to treatment. Men tend to react to life's issues with more addictions, alcoholism and other dysfunctional behavior.
Why do Women get more depressed? A lot of books have been written on this topic but no one knows reality. But according to artifact theory in fact men and women get equally depressed but that men find it less acceptable to express their emotions, so that it appears that women get more depressed than men. But according to other theories women's hormones fluctuate more than men’s' and that the root cause is biological. Some mental health researchers believe that a woman feel more helpless and out of control in our society and also the lower self esteem leaves them feeling helpless, hopeless and depressed. Women also tend to blame themselves for perceived failures more often do men. Whatever the reasons, women and men often go through times when they are so depressed, they simply cannot function. In the rest of this series, we will explore, sign-posts, impact on relationships and cures. Many other well-known individuals have come forth with their own stories about their depression.
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Vegetables are good for mental health
Vegetables are main part of everyone’s diet. Regular vegetables intake helps elderly people fight memory loss and other related problems which are naturally occurring as the age is increasing by slowing down the rate of mental and cognitive decline. A recent study carried out by researchers of one of the Chicago University showed that old people should eat about 3 servings of vegetables daily in order to prevent the decline of their cognitive function and also to prevent their mental health.
According to this research the people who consume vegetables on a regularly are 40% more likely to keep from cognitive decline as compared to people who consumed less than one serving of vegetables a day. People who ate at least 2.8 servings of vegetables a day have their rate of cognitive change slow by about 40 per cent. The study was conducted on 3718 elderly individuals and results showed that vegetables are extremely beneficial when it comes to preventing mental abilities and these can also preventing memory loss and related health disorders.
Green leafy vegetables were found to work best against mental and memory problems, while yellow vegetables occupied the second-best place. On the other hand, legumes such as peanuts or lentils proved to have weak abilities of slowing down cognitive decline. But the most unexpected result of the research was that fruits regular consumption was found to have little or no effect when it came to preventing mental problems. This arise a number of questions in our mind. It may be due to the fact that the vegetables containing high amounts of vitamin E that lowers the risk of cognitive decline. Vegetables are also typically consumed with added fats such as salad dressings, and fats increase the absorption of vitamin E.
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Cancer: It’s Scaring
After spending $39 billion on research at the National Cancer Institute on the "war on cancer," plus over $1 trillion on therapy at hospitals around the country, Americans have experienced a 13 percent increase in cancer incidence and a seven percent increase in deaths caused by cancer. Breast cancer kills about 45,000 women each year. Even with early detection and proper conventional treatment, a "cured" breast cancer patient will lose an average 19 years of lifespan. Since 1950, overall cancer incidence has increased 44 percent, with breast cancer and male colon cancer up 60 percent, and prostate cancer up 100 percent.
Fifty percent of all cancer patients die within five years of diagnosis. More than 2.5 million Americans are currently being treated for cancer, and 1.3 million more Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in 1999. The incidence of children's cancers climbed 28 percent from 1950 through 1987; much of which experts believe is due to the toxic effects of environmental pollutants. In 1998, experts estimated 45 percent of males and 39 percent of females living in America will develop cancer in their lifetime. Dr. Bruce Ames and his colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley have shown that each of the 60 trillion cells in the human body is bombarded by an average of 1,000 to 10,000 hits on DNA each day. It result 400-600 cells turn cancerous daily.
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Importance of Health Education for Children
The child has more capacity to assimilate education. He is like clay that can be molded in any shape. Habits and behavior adopted in childhood remains unchanged even in adulthood. It is health education that helps the child to attain healthy habits and attitudes. No health programmed can be implemented without the help of a school. Hence whatever steps are taken in school regarding health have direct bearing on the community. Whatever happens in a community has its effects on the school. It is expected that the school students, whatever they learn about health in the school do inform or discuss with their parents or other family members. Hence health knowledge multiplies through school and parents also get educated.
Many physical defects develop during childhood such as those involving hearing, sight, posture, nutrition etc.; can be prevented at by intelligent health behavior, developed through health education. Health cannot be achieved merely by taking one or two pills everyday not by observing a few restrictions. It can be achieved only by understanding what health is, or what it depends and then applying this knowledge in every-day life. The care of the body regarding food, cleanliness, exercise, rest and protection against disease, are essential for the preservation of sound health. Life is for living. Without health, life is deprived of not only much of its usefulness but also its joys and pleasures. This is possible only through health education which develops a healthy and scientific attitude towards health.
Objectives of Health Education
1.) Optimum development of the individual with special reference to physical and emotional development.
2.) Betterment of the human relationships, particularly from the stand point of health.
3.) Application of health facts and principles in respect of economic efficiency in the production and consumption of goods and services.
4.) Civic responsibility especially in respect to health.
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Breast cancer occurs in men also
Many people are having a wrong impression that only women suffer the fearful breast cancer. But medical experts have repeatedly warned that men may also develop this type of cancer. Large number of breast cancer male patients dies from the condition as compared to female patients, because they are ignorant about this aspect and do not visit the doctor to be checked on risks of breast cancer. Usually, men do not want to go to doctors for checking their breast because they think that the condition can only affect women or sometimes they feel somehow ashamed about this action. But they should think about their health and life first. It is true that surveys show that breast cancer is more popular among women, but the condition kills more men than women because of late diagnosis.
Breast cancer can be treated and its symptoms eased if it is tackled at an earlier stage.Men should not hesitate in going to be checked out if they have symptoms such as nipple discharge (often bloody), nipple inversion, a breast lump or an itching or a pulling sensation in the breast.The main problem males face when being diagnosed with breast cancer is often not the cancer itself, but rather the embarrassment of the type of cancer. But there is no need for men to feel awkward about it, it’s increasingly being talked about and there’s no sense in ignoring symptoms that could be life threatening. Although rare in males, figures released from Breakthrough Breast Cancer, the leading breast cancer research charity, show up to 300 UK males will be diagnosed with breast cancer each year and the figure is likely to increase due to a lack of awareness.
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