Importance of Health Education for Children

The child has more capacity to assimilate education. He is like clay that can be molded in any shape. Habits and behavior adopted in childhood remains unchanged even in adulthood. It is health education that helps the child to attain healthy habits and attitudes. No health programmed can be implemented without the help of a school. Hence whatever steps are taken in school regarding health have direct bearing on the community. Whatever happens in a community has its effects on the school. It is expected that the school students, whatever they learn about health in the school do inform or discuss with their parents or other family members. Hence health knowledge multiplies through school and parents also get educated.

Many physical defects develop during childhood such as those involving hearing, sight, posture, nutrition etc.; can be prevented at by intelligent health behavior, developed through health education. Health cannot be achieved merely by taking one or two pills everyday not by observing a few restrictions. It can be achieved only by understanding what health is, or what it depends and then applying this knowledge in every-day life. The care of the body regarding food, cleanliness, exercise, rest and protection against disease, are essential for the preservation of sound health. Life is for living. Without health, life is deprived of not only much of its usefulness but also its joys and pleasures. This is possible only through health education which develops a healthy and scientific attitude towards health.

Objectives of Health Education
1.) Optimum development of the individual with special reference to physical and emotional development.
2.) Betterment of the human relationships, particularly from the stand point of health.
3.) Application of health facts and principles in respect of economic efficiency in the production and consumption of goods and services.

4.) Civic responsibility especially in respect to health.


shanta said...

it is very right and i am totally agree with him. education is the most important thing for everyone and especially for children as they are in the stage to learn new things from his or her surrounding. they adopt the behavior what they have learnt. so health education helps to adopt healthy behavior which helps them to make healthy throught the life.

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